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DMIN Super Template for Liberty University

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Footnote Formatting for Six-Point Spacing

This tutorial covers how to add six-point spacing between footnotes.

Four Tips

Dr. Fortier shares four critical ideas for maximizing efforts in the Four Tips for new doctoral candidates presentation.

Mymin Island Part One

The Mymin Island Part One illustration gives Doctor of Ministry students a process for defining their PPT (i.e., problem, purpose, and thesis statements).

Mymin Island. Part Two

Mymin Island Part Two contains a strategy for deepening, defining, and leveraging a project’s purpose statement.

Five Parables

The Five Parables video helps doctor of ministry students think about how to develop their project design.

The Leadership Triangle

A Doctor of Ministry project design demands focus. The Leadership Triangle illustration helps students identify those to include in their professional projects.

Finding Resources

Identifying and building a foundation of scholarly works intimidates many new doctoral students. This video contains several key tips and tricks to help you navigate resources well.

Literature Review

Dr Fortier gives practical insights for making the most of your review of literature.

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